• Healing singing 

      Gretsch, Renate (Centre for Music and Health Publication Series;Vol:6, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      This study confirms the hypothesis that healing singing leads to positive emotional experiences in relation to other people through social resonance and a strong shared bond. People who have had negative interpersonal ...
    • Musical performance as health promotion : a musician's narrative 

      Trondalen, Gro (Centre for Music and Health Publication Series;Vol:6, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      I will present an interview with an internationally renowned musician whom I address via the pseudonym Rose. Our discussion revolved around one main question: How has your musical life story evolved throughout your career ...
    • Studenter med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning i rytmikundervisning inom högre musikutbildning: subjektspositioner, identitet och kunskapsbildning 

      Nilsson, Marie-Helene Zimmerman; Ericsson, Claes (NMH-publikasjoner;2013:1, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      This article is based on a larger research project where the overall ambition is to critically discuss the encounter between students with intellectual disabilities and the Academy of Music. The aim of the article is to ...
    • Nordisk musikkpedagogisk forskning. Årbok 14 

      Holgersen, Sven-Erik; Georgii-Hemming, Eva; Nielsen, Siw Graabræk; Väkevä, Lauri (NMH-publikasjoner;2013:1, Book; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      The present volume 14 of Nordic Research in Music education Yearbook includes thirteen articles. The articles introduce a wide variety of themes and approaches that reflects the extensive scope of the present interests of ...
    • Den musikaliska salongen i Falun: en studie av den borgerliga salongen som pedagogisk miljö 

      Liljas, Juvas Marianne (NMH-publikasjoner;2013:1, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      In the article I explore the bourgeois salon as a landscape for learning. The project is directed towards the didactical functions of the salon and its importance for the spreading of pedagogical systems in Sweden. The ...
    • Foreword: To music’s health 

      Ansdell, Gary (Centre for Music and Health Publication Series;Vol:6, Chapter, 2013)
      Foreword to "Musical life stories : narratives on health musicking". - Musical Life Stories makes an important and significant contribution to thes refreshing and remembering of practice and theory that is currently taking ...
    • Broadening the notion of aural skills through peer learning, instruments and student-framed assignments. A course with music performance students 

      Ilomäki, Lotta (NMH-publikasjoner;2013:10, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Aural-skills educators are increasingly subscribing to a broad notion of musical ’hearing’, which recognises both formal and informal contexts of musical learning. The role of musical instruments has also garnered increasing ...
    • Is music really my best friend? : reflections of two maturing women on one's relationship with music 

      McFerran, Katrina Skewes; Baird, Kelly (Centre for Music and Health Publication Series;Vol:6, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      This text provides a unique perspective on the ways young people engage with music by reflecting on one woman’s relationship with music, both as a teenager and into her younger adulthood. Most explorations of this topic ...
    • Libanonprosjektet som mastertema i musikkpedagogikk 

      Storsve, Vegar R.; Johansen, Geir (NMH-publikasjoner;2013:9, Chapter, 2013)
      Masterstudiene på Norges musikkhøgskole favner bredt og har mange nedslagsfelt. Masterarbeid om musikkformidling har vært utført både innenfor musikkpedagogikk (Sætre, 1994) og studieretningen for utøving med teoretisk ...
    • The musical identities of Danish music therapy students : a study based on musical autobiographies 

      Bonde, Lars Ole (Centre for Music and Health Publication Series;Vol:6, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Music therapists need both advanced musical and therapeutic skills to work as ‘health musicians’ in the vast area of ‘health musicking’ (Trondalen & Bonde, 2012), which ranges from working with groups in the community to ...
    • The changing concept of aesthetic experience in music education 

      Fossum, Hanne; Varkøy, Øivind (NMH-publikasjoner;2013:1, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      The article’s goals are to contribute to the clarification of the term aesthetic experience used in the context of music education, and to discuss different interpretations of Kant in this context. As the musical aesthetic ...
    • Discourses on music in Swedish primary and preschool teacher education 

      Lindgren, Monica; Ericsson, Claes (NMH-publikasjoner;2013:1, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      This study investigates prevailing discourses on music in the field of creative arts in Swedish teacher education for primary school and preschool, following the programme based on the 1999 teacher education reform. The ...
    • Aural perspectives. On musical learning and practice in higher music education 

      Reitan, Inger Elise; Bergby, Anne Katrine; Jakhelln, Victoria Cecilie; Shetelig, Gro; Øye, Ingunn Fanavoll (NMH-publikasjoner;2013:10, Academic monograph, 2013)
      In this anthology, five Norwegian and two Finnish music educators explore various aspects of aural skills awareness and musical aural training in higher music education. The first three articles focus on aural perspectives ...
    • El Sistema : i et norsk perspektiv 

      Svidal, Charlotte Algrøy (Norges musikkhøgskole. Masteroppgave. Musikkpedagogikk;2012, Master thesis, 2013-03-21)
      Abstract El Sistema is popular as ever before, and in Norway there is an increasing interest in starting similar orchestra projects. However, there exists little research within the area. The goal of this thesis is to fill ...
    • Konsertdramaturgi i sangkonserten : om sangerens formidlingskompetanse 

      Stige, Ingrid (Norges musikkhøgskole. Masteroppgave. Utøving med fordypningsemne;2012, Master thesis, 2013-03-21)
      I masterprosjektet mitt har jeg lett etter svar på hvordan arbeid med konsertdramaturgiske elementer kan videreutvikle min formidlingskompetanse. Jeg har arbeidet med tematikken både fra teoretisk og praktisk perspektiv. ...
    • Kuvøsesang : effekt av sang og lyrespill på premature barn i neonatal intensiv enhet på sykehus : en kvantitativ studie 

      Rundgren, Anette Cicilie (Norges musikkhøgskole. Masteroppgave. Musikkterapi;2012, Master thesis, 2013-03-21)
      Sammendrag Bakgrunn: Premature utsettes jevnlig for situasjoner og prosedyrer som er forbundet med smerte, stress og mistrivsel. Eksempler på dette er lys og lyder, helstikk for blodprøver, innleggelse av vene- og ...
    • Viktige stemmer : en intervjuundersøkelse om hvordan noen ungdommer ved en spesialskole opplever å delta i en skoleforestilling 

      Tumyr, Beate Gilje (Norges musikkhøgskole. Masteroppgave. Musikkterapi;2012, Master thesis, 2013-06-04)
      Denne masteroppgaven handler om hvordan fem ungdommer opplevde å være med i en skoleforestilling. Dette er ved en spesialskole der det er tradisjon med årlige skoleforestillinger, der nesten alle elever, ansatte i klassene, ...
    • Et felt av muligheter. Om potentielle strukturer, interaktive musikkting, helse og musikkterapi 

      Eide, Ingelill (Norges musikkhøgskole. Masteroppgave. Musikkterapi;2013, Master thesis, 2013-08-28)
      This master thesis is written within the five-­year research project RHYME (2010-­2015, www.rhyme.no). The target group for RHYME is children with severe disabilities and their families. RHYME will develop and test three ...
    • Man blir liksom i et annet humør... : En intervjuundersøkelse med friske eldre om betydningen av deltakelse i en musikk- og bevegelsesgruppe 

      Vale, Ingvild Sand (Norges musikkhøgskole. Masteroppgave. Musikkterapi;2013, Master thesis, 2013-08-28)
      Based on a conducted practical program of music and movement in a residential- and activity center, I have done three focus group interviews with healthy elderly about the importance of participation in such programs. The ...
    • Stress påvirker hjertets rytme. Effekt av musikkterapi og biofeedback 

      Pedersen, Tore (Norges musikkhøgskole. Masteroppgave. Musikkterapi;2013, Master thesis, 2013-08-28)
      Abstract - Background: Stress, both at work and in private life, has long been resistant to human development and well-being. Studies indicate that music therapy can help reduce problems in this area, in a cost efficient ...