• Et felt av muligheter. Om potentielle strukturer, interaktive musikkting, helse og musikkterapi 

      Eide, Ingelill (Norges musikkhøgskole. Masteroppgave. Musikkterapi;2013, Master thesis, 2013-08-28)
      This master thesis is written within the five-­year research project RHYME (2010-­2015, www.rhyme.no). The target group for RHYME is children with severe disabilities and their families. RHYME will develop and test three ...
    • Strategies in jazz guitar improvisation 

      Solstad, Stein Helge (NMH-publikasjoner;2015:7, Doctoral thesis, 2015)
      What strategies are used in professional jazz guitar improvisation? This project finds that three main strategies are used by professional jazz guitarists; a basic coding strategy named chunking, an extended coding strategy ...