Browsing NMH Brage by Subject "VDP::Humanities: 000::Musicology: 110::Alternative musicology: 119"
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
Alone together. Vocal ensemble practice seen through the lens of Neue Vocalsolisten Stuttgart
(NMH-publikasjoner;2015:3, Doctoral thesis, 2015-06)The study examines different aspects of vocal ensemble practice, and explores the ways in which this practice differs from other classical vocal practices, like solo singing and choir singing. Vocal ensemble practice is ... -
Bidrag til fagterminologi for en relasjonell musikkestetikk
(Skriftserie fra Senter for musikk og helse;5, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2012)”Relational aesthetics has placed art in the middle of society”, stated the Norwegian newspaper Morgenbladet in 2009. In this article, I point to characteristics within art and science that have fostered the idea of ... -
Død, oppstandelse og himmelfart: Bruce Springsteens religiøse billedbruk på The Rising
(Skriftserie fra Senter for musikk og helse;7, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2014)Sommeren 2002 utga Bruce Springsteen albumet The Rising. Dette var hans respons på de dramatiske hendelsene i USA 11. 9 2001. I dette kapitlet ser jeg nærmere på hva slags religiøse bilder Springsteen bruker på The Rising. ... -
From experimental music technology to clinical tool
(Series from the Centre for Music and Health;8, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2014)Human body motion is integral to all parts of musical experience, from performance to perception. But how is it possible to study body motion in a systematic manner? This article presents a set of video-based visualisation ... -
Hur hiphopkulturen möter universitetsvärlden: Hiphop Academicus!
(NMH-publikasjoner;2012:2, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2012)Since hip-hop started over 35 years ago in New York, it has been associated with social activism and education. In addition, hip-hop pioneer Africa Bambaataa has argued for knowledge as the fifth element in hip-hop (e.g. ... -
Kirkemusiker - kall og profesjon. Om nyutdannede kirkemusikeres profesjonelle livsbetingelser
(NMH-publikasjoner;2013:3, Doctoral thesis, 2013)The dissertation Church Musician – Calling and Profession focuses on a relatively small professional group in Norway – the cantors. This group is marginal in terms of its size, but the cantor profession has long held a ... -
Kirkemusiker - kall og profesjon. Om nyutdannede kirkemusikeres profesjonelle livsbetingelser
(NMH-publikasjoner;2013:3, Doctoral thesis, 2013)The dissertation Church Musician – Calling and Profession focuses on a relatively small professional group in Norway – the cantors. This group is marginal in terms of its size, but the cantor profession has long held a ... -
Let the Harp Sound! Updating the understanding of the sound and artistic role of the harp in Norwegian contemporary music
(Research report, 2016-01-26)ABSTRACT: Sunniva Rødland's artistic research project Let the Harp Sound - Updating the understanding of the sound and artistic role of the harp in Norwegian contemporary music makes its inquiries through artistic activity ... -
Det musikaliska rummets betydelse för identitet og helse
(NMH-publikasjoner;2011:3, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2011)I den här artikeln diskuterar jag sambandet mellan musikanvändning, identitet och hälsa. Artikeln är sprungen ur en treårig studie med titeln Musik i Människors Liv (MiML) där jag tillsammans med musikvetaren Lars Lilliestam ... -
Nasjonal traumebearbeiding i sanglyrikk for barn og unge etter 22/7
(Skriftserie fra Senter for musikk og helse;7, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2014)22. juli 2011 ble Norge utsatt for to terrorangrep som drepte 77 og skadet flere hundre mennesker, de fleste av dem barn og unge. Dette er det verste angrepet som har rammet Norge siden andre verdenskrig, og det fikk en ... -
Sangene som samlet oss
(Skriftserie fra Senter for musikk og helse;7, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2014)Det hender at sanger samler og manifesterer felles forståelser av verden hos en gruppe mennesker. Det hender at sanger trøster. Og det hender at sanger virker dannende. I det følgende vil jeg drøfte sangene Til ungdommen ... -
(Research report, 2015-11-03)The only solution in the end was this: To hand in a one-page document with only this sentence: “There will be no critical reflection”. It is a little childish, but it is the Truth (both in a factual and artistic sense). ... -
"This is not a drum". Towards a Post-Instrumental Practice
(Research report, 2016-02-18)Abstract. - This is Not a Drum: Towards a Post-Instrumental Practice thematizes the role of the performer in contemporary music. - One of the oldest crafts in musical arts, percussion playing, especially within the Western ... -
'Zum Spielen und zum Tantzen', a Kinaesthetic Exploration of the Bach Cello Suites through Studies in Baroque Choreography
(Research report, 2015-11-03)Abstract. - The dance titles of J.S. Bach's cello suites, derived from French court dance, clearly meant more to the composer than just abstract reference. In Bach's time, dance practice permeated social life, and it was ...