• Att spela trumma för sitt ofödda barn 

      Labbé, Maria Bovin de (Skriftserie fra Senter for musikk og helse;5, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      This text focuses on the mother-to-be’s drumming for her unborn child. Drumming is something most of the people have tried in one or another context, but to drum for ones unborn child is something few have experienced. The ...
    • Slagen från ditt hjärta är rytmen av din själ : en kvalitativ studie i musikterapautisk trumpraktik med gravida kvinnor 

      Bovin de Labbé, Maria (Norges musikkhøgskole. Masteroppgave. Musikkterapi;2010, Master thesis, 2011-10-11)
      This master thesis is about a research project that was carried out at the Norwegian Academy of Music, autumn 2008, under the title The Beats from Your Heart is the Rhythm of Your Soul. In the project a small group of ...