Nordisk musikkpedagogisk forskning. Årbok 11
It is a great pleasure for the Nordic Network for Research in Music Education to be able to publish important research articles in its peer-reviewed Yearbook year after year. This is Volume 11 in the series. It contains twelve comprehensive articles and a research note as well as information about doctoral theses in music pedagogy and closely related disciplines accepted in 2009 in the Nordic countries. The issues dealt with in the texts of this volume are multifaceted, and several of the topics have clear relations to articles published in previous volumes of the Yearbook. So we are convinced that a cross-search in the volumes for topics of interest and research-based knowledge in the field of music education will prove both informative and rewarding. The Yearbook features texts in English and in Scandinavian languages; all articles have abstracts in English, which will also be available on the homepage of the Network.
Innhold – Contents: Music didactics as a multifaceted field of cultural didactic studies / Petter Dyndahl & Live Weider Ellefsen. - The role of music in music education research : reflections on musical experience / Øivind Varkøy. - En kulturpsykologisk modell av musikaliskt lärande genom musicerande / Cecilia K. Hultberg. - Det store skillet? : om skriftlighetens betydning for kognitiv bevissthet i musikalsk læring / Hilde Synnøve Blix. - Om musikaliska generaliseringar / Stojan Kaladjev. - Musikk og tilpasset opplæring – om å kunne spille på flere strenger : et blikk på musikalitet, multiple intelligenser og læringsoverføring / Odd Torleiv Furnes. - Sanselighedspædagogik og livsduelighed : skolens vej mod en omvurdering af musik som sanseligt-æstetisk fag / Frederik Pio. - Ömsesidig nyfikenhet och respekt – fenomenologisk didaktik som utgångspunkt för musikundervisning i grundskolans lägre åldrar / Cecilia Ferm Thorgersen. - Følelseskunnskap – kunnskapsområde i musikkfaget? / Torill Vist. - Students’ attitudes to aural training in an academy of music / Inger Elise Reitan. - Identitation’ – Researching identity processes of professional singers from a discourse-theoretical perspective / Tiri Bergesen Schei. - Musiklærerkompetencer i et relationsfelt mellem pædagogik og fag / Finn Holst. – Forskningsnote - Research note : introduktion til musikpsykologi / Sven-Erik Holgersen