Now showing items 161-180 of 378

    • Less comfortably numb, more meaningfully occupied 

      Hooper, Steve; Procter, Simon (Centre for Music and Health Publication Series;Vol:6, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Steve, a singer songwriter, and Simon, a music therapist, met and worked together at a community mental health centre in London. Some years later, the two of them are sitting on a beach in southwest England, reflecting on ...
    • Libanonprosjektet som mastertema i musikkpedagogikk 

      Storsve, Vegar R.; Johansen, Geir (NMH-publikasjoner;2013:9, Chapter, 2013)
      Masterstudiene på Norges musikkhøgskole favner bredt og har mange nedslagsfelt. Masterarbeid om musikkformidling har vært utført både innenfor musikkpedagogikk (Sætre, 1994) og studieretningen for utøving med teoretisk ...
    • Life Stories: Lay Musical Practices among Men and Women with Long-Term Sickness Absence 

      Batt-Rawden, Kari Bjerke (Centre for Music and Health Publication Series;Vol:6, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      This text introduces the reader to music’s role in a salutogenic approach to health, focusing on lay musical practice among men and women with long-term illnesses. It is based on a longitudinal study conducted over the ...
    • Listening to music – with professional ears. A study of orchestral musicians’ ways of listening 

      Reitan, Inger Elise (NMH-publikasjoner;2013:10, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      The training of listening skills in higher music education is a central part of the aural training discipline, often called aural analysis or structural hearing. Listening here refers to active, conscious attention paid ...
    • Lullaby singing and its human Bildung potential 

      Bonnár, Lisa (NMH-publikasjoner;2015:8, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2015-12)
      ABSTRACT On the basis of a qualitative study of 20 Norwegian lullaby-singing parents, this article explores the human Bildung potential of parents’ lullaby singing to their children at bedtime. Some parents may experience ...
    • Maestro or Mentor? On cultural differences in performance education 

      Carlsen, Morten (NMH-publikasjoner;2019:7, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Abstract - The object of this article is to highlight differences within educational cultures at an academy level, regardless of the student’s age. Two basic models for understanding the relationship between teacher and ...
    • Manifesta och latenta ideologier om lärande inom svensk spelmansrörelse på 1920-talet 

      Wachenfeldt, Thomas von; Brändström, Sture; Liljas, Juvas Marianne (NMH-publikasjoner;2012:2, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      The purpose of this article is to illuminate existing educational idologies in the Swedish fiddler movement (Spelmansrörelsen) 1923-1927. This period was characterized by the organization and to some extent institutionalization ...
    • Master-apprentice relation in music teaching. From a secret garden to a transparent modelling 

      Hyry-Beihammer, Eeva Kaisa (NMH-publikasjoner;2011:2, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      This article aims to consider a master-apprentice relation in music teaching, especially in piano teaching. The article focuses on the teaching of a well known Finnish music pedagogue and artist, Matti Raekallio. Most of ...
    • Masterutdanning i musikkpedagogikk: en personlig refleksjon om relevans og faglig utvikling 

      Brøske, Brit Ågot (Utdanningsforskning i musikk – skriftserie fra CERM (Centre for Educational Research in Music);Vol. 1, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      I dette bidraget rettes oppmerksomheten mot mastergradsstudiet i musikkpedagogikk ved Norges musikkhøgskole (NMH). Jeg var ferdig med min masterutdanning ved NMH våren 2009, med Geir Johansen som en sentral lærer, veileder ...
    • Maybe Gabriel wasn`t so bad after all? How educational anthropology can serve as a research approach in the field of music education 

      Kamsvåg, Gro Anita (Nordisk musikkpedagogisk forskning;Årbok 15, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      ABSTRACT. - The main purpose of this article is to highlight the potential of educational anthropology as a research approach in the field of music education. The article is based on my doctoral work: an ethnographic study ...
    • Mellom liv og drøm. Vuggesangens helsefilosofiske betydning 

      Bonnár, Lisa (Skriftserie fra Senter for musikk og helse;5, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      Caregivers around the world sing to their infants and children. This text argues that parents’ singing lullabies for their children promote well-being. On the basis of 20 Norwegian parents’ experiences, interpretations, ...
    • Meningsfyldte møder. Om norskpalæstinensisk kulturudveksling 

      Boeskov, Kim (NMH-publikasjoner;2013:9, Chapter, 2013)
      Denne artikel omhandler et musikpædagogisk projekt i den palæstinensiske flygtningelejr Rashedieh i det sydlige Libanon. Projektet er etableret af norske musikpædagoger i samarbejde med den palæstinensiske organisation ...
    • Mesterlære – en analyse af forholdet mellem viden, kunnen og forståelse – med referencer til den musikpædagogiske mesterlærepraksis 

      Lyngseth, Øyvind (Nordisk musikkpedagogisk forskning;Årbok 19, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      ABSTRACT - Apprenticeship – an analysis of the relation between knowledge, know-how and understanding with references to the practice of music-pedagogical apprenticeship. What is learning and how is it constituted? ...
    • Metoder for å analysere video-opptak av musikk og bevegelse 

      Haga, Egil (Skriftserie fra Senter for musikk og helse;1, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2008)
      I denne teksten skal jeg presentere en tilnærming til å analysere musikk og bevegelse. Tilnærmingen innebærer på den ene side utvikling av et sett med deskriptive termer, og på den andre side forslag til software som man ...
    • Mitt lille land. Sørgemusikk og sosiale strømmer 

      Maasø, Arnt; Toldnes, Ragnhild (Skriftserie fra Senter for musikk og helse;7, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Da terroren traff Norge den 22. juli 2011 gikk folk inn i en unntakstilstand på mange områder. Dette gjaldt også musikk- og mediebruken. Den hverdagslige mediebruken preget av rutiner ble satt til side og bruken gikk inn ...
    • (Mobil) musikk som mestringsstrategi 

      Skånland, Marie Strand (NMH-publikasjoner;2009:5, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2009)
      Som et ledd i bruk av musikk som ressurs vil jeg se nærmere på musikkens rolle i opplevelsen av såkalt indre kontroll. Med dette mener jeg hvordan musikken kan hjelpe lytteren til å administrere og regulere sine egne ...
    • Moving together while playing music: promoting involvement through studentcentred collaborative practices 

      Nijs, Luc (NMH-publikasjoner;2019:7, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Abstract - Europe has a very strong tradition of teaching how to play a musical instrument, leading to high standards of music performance, brilliant musicians, beautiful repertoire, and outstanding instructional materials. ...
    • Multicultural music education from the perspective of Swedish-speaking teachers and state authorities in Finland 

      Heimonen, Marja; Westvall, Maria (Nordisk musikkpedagogisk forskning;Årbok 16, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2015-12)
      ABSTRACT This article addresses minority rights and educational aims in relation to the Nordic welfare state model, discussed through the lens of musical diversity in the increasingly multicultural society of Finland. The ...
    • Music analysis. A bridge between performing and aural training? 

      Øye, Ingunn Fanavoll (NMH-publikasjoner;2013:10, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      This article looks at whether music analysis might function as a bridge between the subject of instrumental performance and the subject of aural training in higher music education. It derives from a study with three ...
    • Music and health promotion in Danish/ Nordic hospitals – who and how? An essay. 

      Bonde, Lars Ole (NMH-publikasjoner;2020:6, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Abstract -- The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of health promotion through music activities and interventions in Danish/Nordic hospitals over the last twenty years, with particular emphasis on paediatrics. ...