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dc.contributor.authorJohannessen, Mari Aspaas
dc.descriptionNorges musikkhøgskole. Masteroppgave. Musikkterapino_NO
dc.description.abstractThe subject of this study is favorite music and Down syndrome. The research question is: "Does one type of music appeal more than other types of music to people with Down syndrome, and what impact could favorite music have on their identity?" I wanted to study musical preferences among people with Down syndrome on the basis of my own preunderstanding on this subject. The method I used is qualitative semi structured in-depth interviews with four informants, who all are adults, and men with Down syndrome. Theories about favorite music, music, musical preferences, identity and developmental issues are central. The results from the interviews are discussed in relation to this theory. The purpose of this study is to provide new knowledge about a topic and a group of people with which and who music therapist are often confronted. In music therapy we learn that it is important to acknowledge the client's musical preferences. The informants from this study tell that they, to a large extent, listen to a lot of the same music and that they all feel strongly “dance bands” and dance music. The informants from this study tell that they, to a large extent, listen to the same music. I conclude with the following: “dance bands” and music from the DDE (a popular Norwegian band) are types of music that appeal more to the informants in this study than other types of music. For music therapists it is therefore necessary to be prepared for, and acknowledge this as a possible fact when they meet with clients with Down syndrome in music therapy. Favorite music and identity are in a mutual relationship. They have impact on each other.no_NO
dc.relation.ispartofseriesNorges musikkhøgskole. Masteroppgave. Musikkterapi;2013
dc.subjectDowns syndromno_NO
dc.subjectmusikalske preferanserno_NO
dc.subjectfavorite musicno_NO
dc.subjectDown syndromeno_NO
dc.subjectmusical tasteno_NO
dc.subjectmusical preferencesno_NO
dc.titleHopper og spretter, den. Som en gummiball! En kvalitativ intervjustudie om favorittmusikk blant mennesker med Downs syndromno_NO
dc.typeMaster thesisno_NO
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Humanities: 000::Musicology: 110::Music therapy: 113no_NO
dc.source.pagenumberV, 67, VI s.no_NO

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