• The conservatoire and the society 

      Johansen, Geir (NMH-publikasjoner;2021:2, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      In the anthology’s last chapter, Geir Johansen, discusses the relationship between music conservatoires as institutions of higher education and the society of which they are part from a sociological perspective. Based on ...
    • Educating music teachers in the new millennium 

      Danielsen, Brit Ågot Brøske; Johansen, Geir (NMH-publikasjoner;2012:7, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      We live in times when a row of factors influence music education. Among them, people’s most significant musical experiences are reported not to originate in music education at school ; and to an increasing degree, children ...
    • Fagdidaktikk som basis- og undervisningsfag : bidrag til et teoretisk grunnlag for studier av utdanningskvalitet 

      Johansen, Geir (NMH-publikasjoner;2006, nr 1, Academic chapter; Peer reviewed, 2006)
      Subject didactics as a basic and teaching subject – a contribution to theoretical foundations for studies of educational quality Questions of educational quality have been on the general education agenda for more than ...
    • Final considerations 

      Danielsen, Brit Ågot Brøske; Johansen, Geir (NMH-publikasjoner;2012:7, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      In this last chapter we will discuss some of our considerations about how the results of our single studies connect to the overarching research question: How can student music teachers’ learning, and the relevance of music ...
    • Hva er selvkritisk musikkpedagogikk, og hvordan skal vi forholde oss til den? 

      Johansen, Geir (NMH-publikasjoner;2017:4, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Det er en økende tendens i musikkpedagogisk forskning og teoriutvikling til å se mer kritisk på vår egen virksomhet enn tidligere. Kritikk rettes mot så vel tradisjonell instrumentalopplæring i vestlig klassisk tradisjon ...
    • The Lebanon project as a master’s thesis theme 

      Storsve, Vegar R.; Johansen, Geir (NMH-publikasjoner;2020:4, Chapter, 2020)
      The current master’s programmes at the Norwegian Academy of Music (NMH) cover many subjects. The first programmes were introduced in the 1970s and included performance studies only. In the beginning of the 1980s, the Diploma ...
    • Libanonprosjektet som mastertema i musikkpedagogikk 

      Storsve, Vegar R.; Johansen, Geir (NMH-publikasjoner;2013:9, Chapter, 2013)
      Masterstudiene på Norges musikkhøgskole favner bredt og har mange nedslagsfelt. Masterarbeid om musikkformidling har vært utført både innenfor musikkpedagogikk (Sætre, 1994) og studieretningen for utøving med teoretisk ...
    • The music project in the Rashidieh refugee camp as a focus area of research and development projects 

      Johansen, Geir (NMH-publikasjoner;2020:4, Chapter, 2020)
      People live with war, threats of war, or repercussions of war in many parts of the world. Civil losses and injuries are extensive. Many of the countries and regions where conditions of war characterize people’s everyday ...
    • Music teacher education as professional education 

      Danielsen, Brit Ågot Brøske; Johansen, Geir (NMH-publikasjoner;2012:7, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      The motives for describing music teacher education as professional education can be manifold. Since professions are regarded to have a certain, powerful position in society (Molander & Terum, 2008; Vågan & Grimen, 2008), ...
    • Musikktilbudet i flyktningleiren Rashedieh som utgangspunkt for forsknings- og utviklingsarbeid 

      Johansen, Geir (NMH-publikasjoner;2013:9, Chapter, 2013)
      Det musikkpedagogiske kunnskaps- og forskningsfeltet har utviklet seg betydelig gjennom de siste tiårene, særlig med tanke på det mangfoldet av temaer som forskningen retter seg mot. Frede V. Nielsen (1997) bidrar til en ...
    • Relations between educational quality in music teacher education and student's perceptions of identity 

      Johansen, Geir (NMH-publikasjoner;2008, nr 6, Academic chapter; Peer reviewed, 2008)
      Relations between educational quality in music teacher education and students’ perceptions of identity. Six music education student focus groups of both sexes, with a minimum of two years seniority in Finland, Norway, ...
    • Student music teachers' learning trajectories. A relational perspective 

      Thorgersen, Cecilia Ferm; Johansen, Geir (NMH-publikasjoner;2012:7, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      In this article we take the concept of ‘communities of practice’ (Wenger, 1998, 2006) as our way of entry into studying conditions for the formation of student music teachers’ learning trajectories (ibid.): the paths that ...
    • Student music teachers’ learning and its relations to identity 

      Johansen, Geir (NMH-publikasjoner;2012:7, Chapter, 2012)
      The increased attention towards educational quality in higher education is a global phenomenon. Quality agencies exist in almost every country and evaluations, subject assessments and audits proliferate. Among the concerns ...
    • The MUPP project : an overview 

      Danielsen, Brit Ågot Brøske; Johansen, Geir (NMH-publikasjoner;2012:7, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      The project Music Teacher Education between the Institution, the Practicum and the Profession within the Multicultural Society (MUPP) was carried out in the years 2006–2011 by seven members of the academic staff at the ...
    • Why should music teacher educators pay attention to the global crises of economy and climate 

      Johansen, Geir (NMH-publikasjoner;2012:7, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      This paper takes the relationship between the macro, meso and micro levels of society as its point of departure, with music teacher education as its case. The attention is directed towards how musical leadership, in this ...