Seksuell trakassering i høyere musikkutdanning i lys av #metoo
Chapter, Peer reviewed
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I: Verden inn i musikkutdanningene. Utfordringer, ansvar og muligheter, s. 11-27Abstract
The second chapter highlights a contemporary phenomenon from the angle of higher music education in particular and shows how larger societal movements and occurrences play out in specific ways in this educational context. Sigrid Røyseng takes the broader #metoo movement as her point of departure and explores how the phenomenon of sexual harassment has been understood and defined within the aspects of #metoo that directly concern higher music education. She also asks how these understandings relate to the central practices and cultural perceptions of this educational form. Using media texts as her empirical means of investigation, Røyseng shows how music academies and conservatoires are contexts that may present a heightened risk for students to experience sexual harassment due to predominant features of the institutions’ prevailing teaching and learning traditions. Hence, she also highlights how broader and more general phenomena of “the world” may have very specific forms of impact and consequences when experienced from within the higher music education context.
Norges musikkhøgskoleSeries
NMH-publikasjoner;2021:2Utdanningsforskning i musikk – skriftserie fra CERM (Centre for Educational Research in Music);Vol. 3