• Then certain songs came : music listening in the grieving process after losing a child 

      Vist, Torill; Bonde, Lars Ole (Centre for Music and Health Publication Series;Vol:6, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      In this article we investigate the affordances of music listening during a parent’s grieving process following the loss of a child, and what these affordances may tell us about music and grieving processes more generally. ...
    • Musikdidaktisk intentionalitet som social konstruktion 

      Asp, Karl (NMH-publikasjoner;2013:1, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      This article discusses contemporary music education aiming at a new understanding of teaching and learning contemporary music. Today in Sweden, the interest for contemporary music within formalised music education is growing ...
    • Crossing borders. Perspectives on learning in a school musical project 

      Edberg, Lorentz (NMH-publikasjoner;2013:1, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      This article focuses on in what ways learning arose and developed in a school musical project, what it was like, and how one can understand this activity in an educational context? The school musical project was put on in ...
    • Evaluation of community music therapy: Why is it a problem? 

      Wood, Stuart (Centre for Music and Health Publication Series;Vol:6, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      How does evaluation work in a Community Music Therapy setting? The professional obligation of evaluation operates within a large network of complex relationships, but what exactly is that network, and how does it cope with ...
    • Value changes in Norwegian music education: From increased acceptance of rock to a reduced status for classical music? 

      Tønsberg, Knut (NMH-publikasjoner;2013:1, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      This article is based on a research project with the purpose of studying the academization of popular music genres in Norway. During a 25 year period from 1979 to 2004, popular music programmes were established at all ...
    • Musikktilbudet i flyktningleiren Rashedieh som utgangspunkt for forsknings- og utviklingsarbeid 

      Johansen, Geir (NMH-publikasjoner;2013:9, Chapter, 2013)
      Det musikkpedagogiske kunnskaps- og forskningsfeltet har utviklet seg betydelig gjennom de siste tiårene, særlig med tanke på det mangfoldet av temaer som forskningen retter seg mot. Frede V. Nielsen (1997) bidrar til en ...
    • KAMP- i Libanon. Prosjektpraksis i Kandidatstudiet for musikkpedagogikk (KAMP) ved NMH 

      Storsve, Vegar R.; Danielsen, Brit Ågot Brøske Danielsen (NMH-publikasjoner;2013:9, Chapter, 2013)
      Siden 2005 har studenter fra Kandidatstudiet i musikkpedagogikk (KAMP) ved Norges musikkhøgskole deltatt i et praksisprosjekt i Libanon. Praksisen i Libanon består av tre hoveddeler: musikkundervisning med barn og unge i ...
    • Erfaringer fra utdanningsprogrammet X-art 

      Danielsen, Brit Ågot Brøske Danielsen (NMH-publikasjoner;2013:9, Chapter, 2013)
      En av målsettingene for Libanonprosjektet1 er å utvikle kulturtilbud for barn og unge i de palestinske flyktningleirene i Sør-Libanon, samt å fremme bruken av forskjellige former for kunst og kultur i libanesiske skoler. ...
    • Life Stories: Lay Musical Practices among Men and Women with Long-Term Sickness Absence 

      Batt-Rawden, Kari Bjerke (Centre for Music and Health Publication Series;Vol:6, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      This text introduces the reader to music’s role in a salutogenic approach to health, focusing on lay musical practice among men and women with long-term illnesses. It is based on a longitudinal study conducted over the ...
    • Listening to music – with professional ears. A study of orchestral musicians’ ways of listening 

      Reitan, Inger Elise (NMH-publikasjoner;2013:10, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      The training of listening skills in higher music education is a central part of the aural training discipline, often called aural analysis or structural hearing. Listening here refers to active, conscious attention paid ...
    • Together! RagnaRock, the band and their musical life story 

      Stensæth, Karette; Næss, Tom (Centre for Music and Health Publication Series;Vol:6, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Lifelong dedication and membership indicate in and of themselves how important RR has been for its members and leaders. In general, their musical life story is about the change of identity from clients to rock musicians, ...
    • Healing singing 

      Gretsch, Renate (Centre for Music and Health Publication Series;Vol:6, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      This study confirms the hypothesis that healing singing leads to positive emotional experiences in relation to other people through social resonance and a strong shared bond. People who have had negative interpersonal ...
    • Musical performance as health promotion : a musician's narrative 

      Trondalen, Gro (Centre for Music and Health Publication Series;Vol:6, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      I will present an interview with an internationally renowned musician whom I address via the pseudonym Rose. Our discussion revolved around one main question: How has your musical life story evolved throughout your career ...
    • Studenter med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning i rytmikundervisning inom högre musikutbildning: subjektspositioner, identitet och kunskapsbildning 

      Nilsson, Marie-Helene Zimmerman; Ericsson, Claes (NMH-publikasjoner;2013:1, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      This article is based on a larger research project where the overall ambition is to critically discuss the encounter between students with intellectual disabilities and the Academy of Music. The aim of the article is to ...
    • Den musikaliska salongen i Falun: en studie av den borgerliga salongen som pedagogisk miljö 

      Liljas, Juvas Marianne (NMH-publikasjoner;2013:1, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      In the article I explore the bourgeois salon as a landscape for learning. The project is directed towards the didactical functions of the salon and its importance for the spreading of pedagogical systems in Sweden. The ...
    • Foreword: To music’s health 

      Ansdell, Gary (Centre for Music and Health Publication Series;Vol:6, Chapter, 2013)
      Foreword to "Musical life stories : narratives on health musicking". - Musical Life Stories makes an important and significant contribution to thes refreshing and remembering of practice and theory that is currently taking ...
    • Broadening the notion of aural skills through peer learning, instruments and student-framed assignments. A course with music performance students 

      Ilomäki, Lotta (NMH-publikasjoner;2013:10, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Aural-skills educators are increasingly subscribing to a broad notion of musical ’hearing’, which recognises both formal and informal contexts of musical learning. The role of musical instruments has also garnered increasing ...
    • Is music really my best friend? : reflections of two maturing women on one's relationship with music 

      McFerran, Katrina Skewes; Baird, Kelly (Centre for Music and Health Publication Series;Vol:6, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      This text provides a unique perspective on the ways young people engage with music by reflecting on one woman’s relationship with music, both as a teenager and into her younger adulthood. Most explorations of this topic ...
    • Libanonprosjektet som mastertema i musikkpedagogikk 

      Storsve, Vegar R.; Johansen, Geir (NMH-publikasjoner;2013:9, Chapter, 2013)
      Masterstudiene på Norges musikkhøgskole favner bredt og har mange nedslagsfelt. Masterarbeid om musikkformidling har vært utført både innenfor musikkpedagogikk (Sætre, 1994) og studieretningen for utøving med teoretisk ...
    • The musical identities of Danish music therapy students : a study based on musical autobiographies 

      Bonde, Lars Ole (Centre for Music and Health Publication Series;Vol:6, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Music therapists need both advanced musical and therapeutic skills to work as ‘health musicians’ in the vast area of ‘health musicking’ (Trondalen & Bonde, 2012), which ranges from working with groups in the community to ...