• The changing concept of aesthetic experience in music education 

      Fossum, Hanne; Varkøy, Øivind (NMH-publikasjoner;2013:1, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      The article’s goals are to contribute to the clarification of the term aesthetic experience used in the context of music education, and to discuss different interpretations of Kant in this context. As the musical aesthetic ...
    • Discourses on music in Swedish primary and preschool teacher education 

      Lindgren, Monica; Ericsson, Claes (NMH-publikasjoner;2013:1, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      This study investigates prevailing discourses on music in the field of creative arts in Swedish teacher education for primary school and preschool, following the programme based on the 1999 teacher education reform. The ...
    • Foreword 

      Barrett, Natasha (Series from the Centre for Music and Health;8, Others, 2014)
      Introduction. - . - Technology has, over the past decades, yielded new ways to creatively explore sound and music, to interact with computers and to engage in social interaction. The change from analogue (device-determined) ...
    • Nasjonal traumebearbeiding i sanglyrikk for barn og unge etter 22/7 

      Ommundsen, Åse Marie (Skriftserie fra Senter for musikk og helse;7, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      22. juli 2011 ble Norge utsatt for to terrorangrep som drepte 77 og skadet flere hundre mennesker, de fleste av dem barn og unge. Dette er det verste angrepet som har rammet Norge siden andre verdenskrig, og det fikk en ...
    • Health affordances of the RHYME artefacts 

      Ruud, Even (Series from the Centre for Music and Health;8, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      The author presents a theoretical exploration of the health affordances of the RHYME artefacts in response to the following questions in the following article: To what extent can the RHYME project be seen within the ...
    • An interactive technology for health: New possibilities for the field of music and health and for music therapy? A case study of two children with disabilities playing with ‘ORFI’ 

      Stensæth, Karette; Ruud, Even (Series from the Centre for Music and Health;8, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Digital music technology represents new challenges as well as new possibilities for the discipline and practice of music therapy. When such technology also incorporates interactivity, even further steps are taken in our ...
    • Den nasjonale minneseremonien etter 22. juli 2011 

      Knudsen, Jan Sverre (Skriftserie fra Senter for musikk og helse;7, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Terrorangrepene i Regjeringskvartalet i Oslo og på Utøya ble etterfulgt av en lang rekke offentlige arrangementer, de fleste med musikalsk opptreden som en vesentlig uttrykksform. 21. august 2011 ble den offisielle statlige ...
    • Mitt lille land. Sørgemusikk og sosiale strømmer 

      Maasø, Arnt; Toldnes, Ragnhild (Skriftserie fra Senter for musikk og helse;7, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Da terroren traff Norge den 22. juli 2011 gikk folk inn i en unntakstilstand på mange områder. Dette gjaldt også musikk- og mediebruken. Den hverdagslige mediebruken preget av rutiner ble satt til side og bruken gikk inn ...
    • "Stemmene vil alltid leve": Låtskriving som helseressurs etter 22. juli 

      Trondalen, Gro (Skriftserie fra Senter for musikk og helse;7, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Denne teksten tar for seg låtskriving som helseressurs. Teksten presenterer intervjuer med tre kvinner som skrev egne låter som en respons på den mørke fredagen i Norges historie, 22. juli 2011. Mennesker trøstes, æres og ...
    • Learning strategies in ear training 

      Blix, Hilde Synnøve (NMH-publikasjoner;2013:10, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      The purpose of this article is to discuss learning strategies in ear training, and the aim is to explore how focusing on the ways the students learn can provide valuable information about learning and teaching ear training. ...
    • Forord - Når musikk betyr noe 

      Knudsen, Jan Sverre; Skånland, Marie Strand; Trondalen, Gro (Skriftserie fra Senter for musikk og helse;7, Others, 2014)
      ------- Bidragene til denne boka er skrevet av forskere fra en rekke ulike felt: populærmusikkstudier, litteraturvitenskap, religionsvitenskap, musikk og helse (musikkterapi) og medievitenskap. Felles for dem alle er at ...
    • From experimental music technology to clinical tool 

      Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (Series from the Centre for Music and Health;8, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Human body motion is integral to all parts of musical experience, from performance to perception. But how is it possible to study body motion in a systematic manner? This article presents a set of video-based visualisation ...
    • PARTICIPATION: A combined perspective on the concept from the fields of informatics and music and health 

      Stensæth, Karette; Holone, Harald; Herstad, Jo (Series from the Centre for Music and Health;8, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Words and concepts are interpreted differently in different fields. In this article, Stensæth, together with Harald Holone and Jo Herstad, takes an interdisciplinary stance to elaborate upon the central project notion of ...
    • “The Path of Dreams": Breivik, Music, and Neo-Nazi Skinheadism 

      Teitelbaum, Benjamin (Skriftserie fra Senter for musikk og helse;7, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      In this chapter, I consider the ways Breivik’s interest and engagement with Saga’s music can illuminate his relationship with neo-Nazism. Focusing on his main discussion of the Swedish artist—that in Chapter 3.29 of his ...
    • Død, oppstandelse og himmelfart: Bruce Springsteens religiøse billedbruk på The Rising 

      Kvalvaag, Robert W. (Skriftserie fra Senter for musikk og helse;7, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Sommeren 2002 utga Bruce Springsteen albumet The Rising. Dette var hans respons på de dramatiske hendelsene i USA 11. 9 2001. I dette kapitlet ser jeg nærmere på hva slags religiøse bilder Springsteen bruker på The Rising. ...
    • Potentials and challenges in interactive and musical collaborations involving children with disparate disabilities. A comparison study of how Petronella, with Down syndrome, and Dylan, with autism, interact with the musical and interactive tangible ‘WAVE’ 

      Stensæth, Karette (Series from the Centre for Music and Health;8, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      In this article, the point of departure is the testing of the CCTs known as the WAVE in 2012, which offers many cross-media possibilities for interaction and was developed on the basis of the ORFI evaluation the year before. ...
    • "When light turns into darkness": Inscriptions of music and terror in Oslo 22 July 2011 

      Bjorøy, Karl-Magnus; Hawkins, Stan (Skriftserie fra Senter for musikk og helse;7, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      The objective of this article is to examine the links between music, terror and gender through the politics of right extremism. Six hours before the bombing of Oslo’s centre and the massacre on the island of Utøya on 22 ...
    • Technology and clinical improvisation – from production and playback to analysis and interpretation 

      Erkkilä, Jaakko; Ala-Ruona, Esa; Lartillot, Olivier (Series from the Centre for Music and Health;8, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      This article illustrates some of the ways in which music technology can be utilised in everyday clinical practice. Presently, digital devices work relatively well together regardless of manufacturer, and there are useful ...
    • Sangene som samlet oss 

      Varkøy, Øivind (Skriftserie fra Senter for musikk og helse;7, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Det hender at sanger samler og manifesterer felles forståelser av verden hos en gruppe mennesker. Det hender at sanger trøster. Og det hender at sanger virker dannende. I det følgende vil jeg drøfte sangene Til ungdommen ...
    • Kulehull i pianoet. Et essay om musikken på Utøya - om fellesskap - og om nye farger 

      Havrøy, Frank (Skriftserie fra Senter for musikk og helse;7, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Mine minner fra Utøya er sentrert rundt musikk. Det var musikken som dro meg ut dit, år etter år. Musikken som tonsatte alt som skjedde der. Vi visste ikke alltid hvem som skulle tale, ei heller hva som skulle debatteres, ...