• ”Nerven” i musikkterapeutisk improvisasjon : en utforskende teoretisk studie 

      Webb, Hanne Cecilie (Norges musikkhøgskole. Masteroppgave. Musikkterapi;2011, Master thesis, 2011-10-12)
      Denne studien ble til på bakgrunn av at jeg ble oppmerksom på et fenomen som i særlig grad berørte meg i musikkterapeutisk praksis. Jeg valgte å kalle fenomenet ”nerven” i musikkterapeutisk improvisasjon, og denne studien ...
    • "Nesten litt sånn uåpnet skattekiste." Brukeres opplevelse av musikkterapi som oppsøkende behandling innen kommunalt psykisk helsearbeid 

      Næsheim, Sissel (Norges musikkhøgskole. Masteroppgave. Musikkterapi;2020, Master thesis, 2020)
      Sammendrag - Denne masteroppgaven utforsker hvordan brukere som bor i bofellesskap innen psykisk helse, opplever musikkterapi som oppsøkende tilbud. Brukerne er sju voksne mennesker i alderen 35- 65 år med ulike psykiske ...
    • Nevrobiologisk grunnlag for musikkterapi 

      Borchgrevink, Hans (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2008)
      Mange som er kandidater for musikkterapi har redusert funksjonsevne på grunn av en eller annen form for hjernefunksjonssvikt. Kunnskap om hjernen er derfor nødvendig for å vurdere personens funksjonsprofil (funksjonsevne ...
    • A new circle of modes. Revisiting the concept of diatonicism 

      Bacelar, Rodrigo Goncalves (Norges musikkhøgskole. Masteroppgave. Komposisjon;2020, Master thesis, 2020)
      Introduction - It is no accident that, amid the multitude of scales that can be extracted from the 12- tone equal temperament (2048, according to Keith;1 1490, according to Zeitler),2 one in particular has dictated the ...
    • NMH student music teachers in Lebanon. Professional placement for bachelor students on the music education programme at the NMH 

      Storsve, Vegar R.; Brøske, Brit Ågot (NMH-publikasjoner;2020:4, Chapter, 2020)
      Ever since 2005 bachelor students on the music education programme at the Norwegian Academy of Music (NMH) have been travelling to Lebanon to take part in a professional placement program. The placement in Lebanon is made ...
    • Nordic choral conductor education: Overview and research agenda 

      Jansson, Dag; Bygdéus, Pia; Balsnes, Anne Haugland (Nordisk musikkpedagogisk forskning;Årbok 19, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      ABSTRACT. - The choral movement holds a prominent position in the Nordic countries, and choral singing is one of the top social activities in terms of the number of people involved. While all these choirs need conductors ...
    • Nordisk musikkpedagogisk forskning. Årbok 11 

      Nielsen, Frede V. (red.); Holgersen, Sven-Erik (red.); Nielsen, Siw Graabræk (red.) (NMH-publikasjoner;2009:8, Book; Peer reviewed, 2009)
      It is a great pleasure for the Nordic Network for Research in Music Education to be able to publish important research articles in its peer-reviewed Yearbook year after year. This is Volume 11 in the series. It contains ...
    • Nordisk musikkpedagogisk forskning. Årbok 11 

      Nielsen, Frede V. (red.); Holgersen, Sven-Erik (red.); Nielsen, Siw Graabræk (red.) (NMH-publikasjoner;2009:8, Book; Peer reviewed, 2009)
      It is a great pleasure for the Nordic Network for Research in Music Education to be able to publish important research articles in its peer-reviewed Yearbook year after year. This is Volume 11 in the series. It contains ...
    • Nordisk musikkpedagogisk forskning. Årbok 12 

      Holgersen, Sven-Erik (red.); Nielsen, Siw Graabræk (red.) (NMH-publikasjoner;2011:2, Book; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      The present Volume 12 of the Nordic Research in Music Education Yearbook includes 11 articles and a research note reflecting the broad variety of interests in current research of music education in the Nordic countries. ...
    • Nordisk musikkpedagogisk forskning. Årbok 12 

      Holgersen, Sven-Erik (red.); Nielsen, Siw Graabræk (red.) (NMH-publikasjoner;2011:2, Book; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      The present Volume 12 of the Nordic Research in Music Education Yearbook includes 11 articles and a research note reflecting the broad variety of interests in current research of music education in the Nordic countries. ...
    • Nordisk musikkpedagogisk forskning. Årbok 13 

      Holgersen, Sven-Erik (red.); Nielsen, Siw Graabræk (red.) (NMH-publikasjoner;2012:2, Book; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      Volume 13 of Nordic Research in Music Education Yearbook includes eleven articles and four research notes. The themes of the articles include philosophical and historical perspectives on music education, epistemological ...
    • Nordisk musikkpedagogisk forskning. Årbok 13 

      Holgersen, Sven-Erik (red.); Nielsen, Siw Graabræk (red.) (NMH-publikasjoner;2012:2, Book; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      Volume 13 of Nordic Research in Music Education Yearbook includes eleven articles and four research notes. The themes of the articles include philosophical and historical perspectives on music education, epistemological ...
    • Nordisk musikkpedagogisk forskning. Årbok 14 

      Holgersen, Sven-Erik; Georgii-Hemming, Eva; Nielsen, Siw Graabræk; Väkevä, Lauri (NMH-publikasjoner;2013:1, Book; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      The present volume 14 of Nordic Research in Music education Yearbook includes thirteen articles. The articles introduce a wide variety of themes and approaches that reflects the extensive scope of the present interests of ...
    • Nordisk musikkpedagogisk forskning. Årbok 15 

      Holgersen, Sven-Erik; Georgii-Hemming, Eva; Nielsen, Siw Graabræk; Väkevä, Lauri (NMH-publikasjoner;2014:8, Book; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      The Nordic Network of Research in Music Education (NNMPF) celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2014. The network was founded in January 1994 when it launched its first Nordic conference at Schaeffergaarden in Copenhagen. ...
    • Nordisk musikkpedagogisk forskning. Årbok 16 

      Georgii-Hemming, Eva; Holgersen, Sven-Erik; Varkøy, Øivind; Väkevä, Lauri (NMH-publikasjoner;2015:8, Book; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Volume 16 of Nordic Research in Music Education Yearbook includes 16 articles. The themes of the contributions represent a wide variety of interests within the Nordic music education community, including philosophy of music ...
    • Nordisk musikkpedagogisk forskning. Årbok 17 

      Väkevä, Lauri; Georgii-Hemming, Eva; Holgersen, Sven-Erik; Varkøy, Øivind (NMH-publikasjoner;2016:5, Book; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Volume 17 of Nordic Research in Music Education Yearbook includes ten articles and two research notes. The themes of the contributions represent a wide variety of interests within the Nordic music education community, ...
    • Nordisk musikkpedagogisk forskning. Årbok 18 

      Varkøy, Øivind; Georgii-Hemming, Eva; Kallio, Alexis; Pio, Frederik (NMH-publikasjoner;2017:8, Book, 2018)
      Nordic Research in Music Education Yearbook has been published since 1997 by the Norwegian Academy of Music. This Volume 18 includes seventeen articles. The themes of the contributions represent a wide variety of interests ...
    • Nordisk musikkpedagogisk forskning. Årbok 19 

      Pio, Frederik; Kallio, Alexis; Varkøy, Øivind; Zandén, Olle (NMH-publikasjoner;2018:6, Book; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Nordic Research in Music Education Yearbook has been published since 1997 by the Norwegian Academy of Music. This volume (19) includes nine articles. In the opening article Bengt Olsson and Einar Nielsen are discussing ...
    • Norges musikkhøgskoles historieprosjekt. Sluttrapport 

      Utne-Reitan, Bjørnar (Report; Others, 2024)
      Norges musikkhøgskoles historieprosjekt ble initiert og etablert av rektoratet ved Norges musikkhøgskole og styret i Lindemans Legat i fellesskap. Dets overordnede mål har vært å få frem forsking om, og dokumentasjon av, ...
    • Norse Modes : On Geirr Tveitt’s Theory of Tonality 

      Utne-Reitan, Bjørnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Abstract: - In his treatise Tonalitätstheorie des parallelen Leittonsystems (1937), Norwegian composer Geirr Tveitt attempts to construct a theory of tonality based on Norwegian folk music as an alternative to the ...