Browsing NMH Brage by Title
Now showing items 647-666 of 836
"Real time planking". En fenomenologisk undersøkelse av representasjonsformer og assosiasjon i jazzmusikeres harmoniske gehør
(Norges musikkhøgskole. Masteroppgave. Anvendt musikkteori;2016, Master thesis, 2017)Summary. - This thesis deals with the perceptual and cognitive aspects of harmonic hearing, and contains qualitative research interviews with nine Norwegian jazz musicians of international standing. Through a phenomenological ... -
En realisering av verket Science Fictions av Bjørn Fongaard, 1. sats
(Norges musikkhøgskole. Masteroppgave. Musikkteknologi;2011, Master thesis, 2012-04-26)Denne oppgaven handler om hvordan man i 2011 kan ta et uspilt grafisk partitur fra 1964 og fremføre det på en scene. Ikke som et avspillingsverk, slik vanlig praksis var (og fortsatt er) med lydbåndsmusikken på 50- og ... -
Redaktørenes forord
(Skriftserie fra Senter for musikk og helse;9, Chapter, 2016)"I transitt – mellom til og fra. Om musikk og deltagelse i barnevern" er tittelen på den niende antologien i Skriftserie fra Senter for musikk og helse. Det å være i overganger – i transitt, mellom til og fra, enten det ... -
Relational perspectives in the practices of choir directors
(Nordisk musikkpedagogisk forskning;Årbok 19, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019)ABSTRACT. - Mediating tools in the practices of choir directors - Skills are relational, that is, they are developed in a relationship and interaction with the environment, and through the mediation that takes place ... -
Relations between educational quality in music teacher education and student's perceptions of identity
(NMH-publikasjoner;2008, nr 6, Academic chapter; Peer reviewed, 2008)Relations between educational quality in music teacher education and students’ perceptions of identity. Six music education student focus groups of both sexes, with a minimum of two years seniority in Finland, Norway, ... -
Relationships between entrance tests and exams in music performance and aural-skills at the Norwegian Academy of Music
(NMH-publikasjoner;2013:10, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)Focusing on aural skills and main instrument performance, the results from entrance tests and exams from 307 bachelor students at the Norwegian Academy of Music were examined to explore a possible connection between test ... -
Religious trauma and the role of music
(Norges musikkhøgskole. Masteroppgave. Musikkterapi;2023, Master thesis, 2023)Abstract - In the field of music therapy, the concept of manipulation through music is known and careful consideration is taken in these therapeutic contexts. However, there has been little research performed concerning ... -
Repertoarvalg i klaver biinstrument. En undersøkelse av læreres begrunnelse for valg av repertoar i klaver biinstrumentundervisning på videregående
(Norges musikkhøgskole. Masteroppgave. Musikkpedagogikk;2015, Master thesis, 2016-02-18)Sammendrag - Å være lærer innebærer å måtte ta stilling til hva som skal være innhold i undervisningen. Repertoar er en sentral del av innholdet i biinstrumentundervisning på videregående. Denne oppgaven forsøker å rette ... -
Research and research education in music – disciplinary or interdisciplinary approach?
(NMH-publikasjoner;2013:1, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)The main purpose of this article is to contribute to a discussion about the future of research and research education in music. The multiple existing traditions of music research constitute a rich resource. Increasingly ... -
Resonance between theory and practice: development of a theory-supported documentation tool for music therapy as procedural support within a biopsychosocial frame
(NMH-publikasjoner;2020:6, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2020)Abstract -- Music therapists are challenged to communicate the therapeutic relevance of their work in a manner that enables other health professionals to appreciate and comprehend the subtleties and unique contributions ... -
Rethinking music activities in preschool. Exploring links between conceptions of the child and conceptions of music
(Nordisk musikkpedagogisk forskning;Årbok 17, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2016)ABSTRACT -- Music in preschool is mostly performed as singing-events in the form of circle-time, over which children do not have much influence. This article argues that research on music education in preschool often has ... -
Ricoeurs teori om fortellingens trefoldige mimesis og narrativ tilnærming til musikkpedagogisk forskningspraksis
(Nordisk musikkpedagogisk forskning;Årbok 17, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2016)ABSTRACT -- Ricoeur’s theory about the threefold mimesis of narrative, and narrative approach to music education research practice. --- Narrative approaches are increasing within music education research. Following ... -
The role of harmony and timbre in Maurice Ravel’s cycle Gaspard de la Nuit in relation to form
(Norges musikkhøgskole. Masteroppgave. Anvendt musikkteori;2020, Master thesis, 2020)Abstract - The thesis examines the issue of formal design in one of the most significant piano works by Maurice Ravel, Gaspard de la Nuit. Primarily, the study shows how harmony, timbre and formal design of the piece are ... -
The role of music in music education research : reflections on musical experience
(NMH-publikasjoner; 2009, nr 8, Academic article; Peer reviewed, 2009)First in this article the role of theories of musicology in music education research is considered. Second, the case in point is examined where the focus of music education research is brought bo bear directly on music ... -
Rom for romanser : om konsertdramaturgisk musikkformidling i romansekonserten
(NMH-publikasjoner;2010:1, Doctoral thesis, 2010)The main topic of this dissertation is concert dramaturgy, and the aim of the research project has been to develop theory of the different aspects of singers´ performance in the song recital. Concert dramaturgy is a ... -
Rom for romanser : om konsertdramaturgisk musikkformidling i romansekonserten
(NMH-publikasjoner;2010:1, Doctoral thesis, 2010)The main topic of this dissertation is concert dramaturgy, and the aim of the research project has been to develop theory of the different aspects of singers´ performance in the song recital. Concert dramaturgy is a ... -
Rytmisk musikkundervisning som estetisk praksis : en casestudie
(NMH-publikasjoner;2009:2, Doctoral thesis, 2009)The subject of this dissertation is rhythmic music teaching. "Rhythmic music" is synonymous with "popular music". Rhythmic music teaching is, in short, an oral approach to teaching, where rhythm, participation, movement, ... -
Rytmisk musikkundervisning som estetisk praksis : en casestudie
(NMH-publikasjoner;2009:2, Doctoral thesis, 2009)The subject of this dissertation is rhythmic music teaching. "Rhythmic music" is synonymous with "popular music". Rhythmic music teaching is, in short, an oral approach to teaching, where rhythm, participation, movement, ... -
Safety and connection in the polyvagal theory. Implications for music therapy in mental health care
(Norges musikkhøgskole. Masteroppgave. Musikkterapi;2020, Master thesis, 2020)SAMMENDRAG - Det humanistiske perspektivet i musikkterapi har en helhetlig tilnærming til helse og prioriterer subjektiv opplevelse. Innen psykisk helsevern vekker humanistiske idealer stadig mer gjenklang, og disse kan ... -
Samarbeidslæring og mestringstro. En studie av hvordan Critical Response Process kan påvirke elevers mestringstro
(Norges musikkhøgskole. Masteroppgave. Musikkpedagogikk;2022, Master thesis, 2022)Denne masteroppgaven tar for seg tematikken motivasjon og samarbeidslæring for musikkelever i videregående skole. Mestringstro er valgt som motivasjonsteori, og som metode for samarbeidslæring er det Critical Response ...